Find the answers to Frequently answered questions about our electronic document collection software

DocsNow is a cloud-based software solution designed to simplify the process of document collection. Its primary advantage lies in expediting application procedures for a wide range of stakeholders, including clients, tenants, suppliers, and other relevant parties. With DocsNow, you can optimize your document processes and experience unparalleled efficiency in handling online submissions.

Yes, DocsNow. io prioritizes data security and compliance. It employs encryption protocols, secure data storage, and other industry best practices to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the documents and information shared through its platform.

No, you do not need a credit card to access our document collection platform. You can explore and try sending requests to clients for free.

In our document collection platform, a request refers to when you send a document collection request to your client. Each time you send such a request, it will be counted as one request towards your usage. This helps you keep track of your communication and document collection activities with clients.

DocsNow provides the flexibility of either Azure Active Directory integration or a simple user login interface.

File upload size limit is defined based on industry standards. It is currently set at 20 MB per file. This can be configured based on client requirements.

Documents are encrypted and stored in secured cloud storages with access control. Clients have the flexibility to Cloud storages include Azure Blob Storage, SharePoint Online and Network drives.

Yes, DocsNow supports all popular formats including CSV, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, PDF and images (JPG, PNG).

Uploads are scanned by the cloud-based Azure security tools and anti-malware which is configured within the platform.

It’s simple, select the document set and give the expiry date, recipient email ID and send the document collection request.

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